Plant of the Month: August


Elevate your garden with climbing plants this summer. Climbers are perfect for adding a softening effect to a bare fence, a wall or to cover a dull shed. In a small space, they’re an effective way to add height and colour. You can even grow a climber in a container so long as you have a sunny spot and a vertical structure for it to scramble up.

The clematis is known as the queen of climbers. Some grow vigorously and have masses of flowers. Other varieties are more compact and delicate, so choose one best suited to the space you have. A fast-growing clematis will easily transform a large bare wall or fence. Most prefer a sunny position.

Clematis come in a spectrum of colours from white to soft pastels and deep mauve. The flowers range from dainty star shapes and bell shapes through to large blooms. A few clematis are evergreen while others will die back before returning next year. Make sure you add a generous layer of mulch around the base of your clematis as the roots are close to the surface and like to stay cool.

The yellow blooms of honeysuckle attract pollinators. Did you know that bees are drawn to yellow and blue flowers? Honeysuckle has a lovely scent too. Both the honeysuckle and clematis like their roots cool and their blooms to bask in the sun, so they’re ideal positioned behind lower-growing plants in your garden borders. Add a thick layer of mulch to keep the base of the plant from baking in the sun.

Wisteria is an elegant beauty with floral clusters that almost resemble grapevines. In a sunny position, the wisteria grows quickly to provide a beautiful canopy. It’s a hardy evergreen that needs a strong structure such as a south facing wall, with a trellis or wires to train it. Pruning is essential to ensure your wisteria isn’t a mass of foliage and no flowers. Trim back the previous year’s growth in early spring.

Whatever climber you choose, make sure you have a support for it such as a trellis or obelisk. An ornamental arch or pergola can make a beautiful focal point for a rambling rose or another climber. Have the structure in place before planting, so the roots aren’t disturbed by adding it later. Check regularly and help new growth climb upwards by carefully attaching it to the growing structure, taking care not to damage the tender new growth. Remember to keep your new additions well-watered during dry spells.

Whatever the size of your garden, there’s probably room for a climber or two, so check out the gorgeous selection. As always, there’s 20% off our Plant of the Month for Garsons cardholders.

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